

And that’s it – they’re all in. All the tomato and pepper varieties I planned this year, with some few minimal changes (finalized list of those two is now listed here, the rest is still in a bit of flux until the seed goes in). 

Mid-March Check In

Mid-March Check In

I wanted to do a quick post before it got too much later into the month. The peppers have all been started and are up, although I may end up doing another sowing of my ‘Jimmy Nardello’ peppers – the germination was surprisingly low for 

New Categories on the Wiki

New Categories on the Wiki

The Wiki is by far the section of the website that gets the most edits over the year. I’m constantly adding more information as the growing season progresses. One thing that’s always bugged me is that I’ve never had a way to search by certain 

A little bit more housekeeping

A little bit more housekeeping

This is the problem when you let something go to sleep (if not dormant). While the bank has been chugging along, albeit on a slightly smaller scale, the website went totally asleep which caused some problems. My contact form was broken, but it’s now been 

Looking Forward to 2023

Looking Forward to 2023

Ah yes, yet again this blog goes very quiet for a long stretch of time. Quiet but not abandoned. I’ve been quietly updating the wiki routinely, although I lost a lot of my harvest data from the end of 2022 and I won’t be able 

2021 Update

2021 Update

This blog has been very quiet for very long. The reason being last year we purchased a house and moved in fall. This year was the first year in a new, and smaller, garden. It takes a full year to really figure things out when