Category:AB GI K

From The Populuxe Seed Bank
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Tomato patches, Edmonton, AB. July 2014. ©Kelly
Garden plots, Edmonton, AB, May 2014. ©Kelly
TARDIS Garden, Victoria, BC May 2011. © Kelly

Operator of the Populuxe Seed Bank.

While I've always had a place with a garden since a kid, I really grew crazy for gardening when I moved out to my own place and my landlord gave me a plot in his yard. That first year I grew a few herbs and zucchini, as well as a few tomatoes. When I learned the tomatoes I had picked up wouldn't give me seed for next year, that's when I fell down the rabbit hold of heirloom and OP varieties and seed saving.

In 2007 I started the Populuxe Seed Bank, after I had amassed a large collection of tomatoes and thought to myself "well, now what?". What could I do with some of these varieties I had acquired? What's the good of me just growing them? So I decided to make a concerted effort with the varieties I had in stock to grow out, and share as many of these varieties as I could.

In late 2020 we moved to a new location, and 2021 began a new adventure in gardening in a new space.

Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada.

Zone: 4a (approx. 130-140 frost free days)

Land type: Urban

Soil: Clay/loam. Amended with sheep/cow manure.

Elevation above sea level: 2200ft

2024 Grow Out

Listing isn't final, some changes may occur up to May 2024


(*) From the collection of Dan & Val McMurray



Other Vegetables

Dye Plants

  • Coreopsis Dyer's
  • Cempoalxochitl (Aztec marigold, T. erecta)
  • Chamomile, Dyer's
  • Japanese Indigo (Persicaria tinctoria)
  • Madder, Dyer's (Rubia tinctorum, third year plant)
  • Scabiosa 'Black Knight'