New Year, New Plans

New Year, New Plans

I always start out with the best of intentions to at least do a few good blog post updates throughout the year, but with everything else the blog posts do fall by the way side as the year stretches on.

I kept excellent notes this year of harvest totals for the tomatoes – up until the final push before the last frost. Usually I weigh the green ones I’ll bring in as well to let ripen inside, but I was in such a mad rush this year that I didn’t, so my totals are slightly under what they really should be for the season. The smoke seemed to affect everything in the garden, and the tomatoes were a bit underwhelming from what they’ve been in previous years. I managed to save seed from everything I set out to though, and finally my Sherkhan tomato produced for me after only having three seeds to start from. What a surprise that one was! It was definitely a later variety, but it was flush with fruit as the rest were slowing down in late August. The plant was so heavy with fruit I had multiple stakes going. I grew it in a 7 gal fabric pot and it was fantastic.

I’ll be updating the wiki slowly as I have time throughout the rest of winter.

In terms of plans, those are still formulating, but I am looking to build an additional small bed, mostly for dye plants, but might have room for a tomato. I’ve bought the seeds I needed to buy this year – something I feel the need to do earlier and earlier since so many places started selling out since 2020. All my saved seed are currently undergoing germination testing, which I’m feeling very on top of this year. Next up will be drawing out the gardens, planning where everything goes, and creating my seed starting chart so I have my timings in order.
