Seed Starting Begins

This time of year is pretty high up on my list of favourite times of year. Not only after a long winter do I get to go out in the garden and sink my hands in the dirt again, but after what seems to be an interminable amount of time after deciding which varieties are on the docket this year, I get to finally start them.

Seed Starting Tray

I actually started them last weekend, and here in Edmonton the end of March is the perfect time to start tomatoes and peppers. It’s been so warm the past few weeks, I probably could have pushed that up a week, maybe even two. In all honesty, however, I didn’t predict the warmer weather we’d be having this year, and I had myself all planned out for the last weekend in March, so I stuck with it.

I have a list here of everything being grown out this year for the bank, so be sure to check it out.

Most of the tomatoes have already started to pop up since Monday, with a few stragglers still showing no signs of life (the seed, being old, slows down germination slightly), but I’m pretty confident that they’ll all, eventually, pop up.

As the season speeds up now, be sure to keep your eye on this spot, I’ll be detailing growth and how everything is coming along from now until the end of the season.

Lastly, I want to thank each and every person that has ordered seeds from the yearly seed bank fundraiser. The numbers keep increasing every year, and with that this bank is sure to keep humming long. It allows me to pay for server space for this website, and more importantly, source and purchase new varieties of seed. All of you who have purchased some seeds via the above link are doing so much to help keep this bank going, and you have my sincerest thanks.