Happy New Year
Happy new year everybody!
You may have noticed a few strange things occurring here the past few days. I’ve actually been changing servers for this website, and my limited database knowledge provided me with a few hiccups, shall we say. But after much swearing and shaking my fist at the computer, I finally figured it out and was able to get everything up and running.
Thanks for hanging in there, and stay tuned! The list of what will be available for distribution, what varieties will need growers, and what has all been added to the bank these past few months is coming within the next few weeks.
I’ll also be continuing to migrate over some posts from my other garden blog on the growth of some plants over the previous years.
Once again, I hope everybody had a fantastic New Year’s, and it was well spent in the company of good friends, good food, and good drink (if you’re so inclined).