The Seeds Are Coming

I know, I’ve been saying it for about three months now, but after a very, very long wait, the seeds are finally coming from their old home in the Kootenays to their new home here on the warm west coast (seriously warm – a week before Christmas and we’ve only had a handful of frosts!).

They are still in the Kootenays, but they’ll be home this week. When they get here I’ll immediately start raking through them, labelling, packaging, germinating testing, and updating the website and the database (so the .pdf here on the site will be all updated and nice). I’ll determine what I have to give away, what will be sold in the seed bank’s yearly fundraising drive.

It’ll be easier to determine as well what needs to be grown out for 2011.

I have some new and rare varieties coming to me from Plant Gene Resources Canada (our Canadian government run seed bank) that’ll be grown for 2011 as well, more on those when they arrive.

So keep your eye on this page, because there are a lot of updates coming up over the next two- to three weeks!