New Article & Seed Bank Info
Well, there’s been lots of bank-end stuff going on this week, so not too many new changes to the website.
I however am extremely excited to be finished importing all the data into our new database! This will make keeping track of the seeds about 1000 times easier then keeping it all in a spreadsheet like I’ve been doing for the past year and a half. When I first started this bank I had no idea how fast it could grow, and how many awesome people there are wanting to donate to the bank.
I even finished up a simple report, in a handy .pdf format. While I’m working on getting all the information up on the website of all the different varieties in the bank, sometimes a handy pdf is easier to read.
As for the articles this week, we have one new one up. It’s a simple chart, on what plant species will cross-pollinate with others. It’s a handy guide so if you’re saving seed, you can look up to see what other plants (mostly weeds) will cross pollinate with what you’re trying to save.
More articles coming up this week, along with some new exciting announcements within the next month.