New Articles & Additions To The Bank

Busy week this week. With summer (finally!) taking off, and hot weather upon us, I’m rushing around isolation and coaxing the tomatoes for seed into the seed bank.

I’m also very excited to announce that I’m in discussions with two other seed banks – both also located in Canada (one local to me, the other is the seed library run by Seeds of Diversity) so we can work together with distributing varieties and backing up each others stock to ensure safe preservation of our varieties. More news on this later, but I’m extremely excited about this new development!

There have been two new additions to the seed bank this week:

  • Tomato ‘Pruden’s Purple’
  • Tomato ‘Red Robin’
  • Thank you to the donors of that seed!

    A few new articles up this week as well:

  • Seed Saving Techniques – Beans & Peas
  • Seed Viability Chart
  • Three or four new articles will be popping up over the week as well, stay tuned for those.

    I would also like to announce that one of the varieties the Populuxe Seed Bank is sheparding this year, the Slocan Snow Peas is finally starting to flower! I’m very much looking forward to seeing how this variety tastes.

    Until next time!