Current Seeds for Distribution Now Posted!

Just a quick update to let all you fine folks know the seeds for distribution is now up, and ready to be chosen from by you. I have limited quantities this year due to the move (and lack of proper garden!) so choose early if 

Victoria Seedy Saturday

…. Here I come! Just a quick post today to say that my whole day will be spent at Seedy Saturday (10-4pm at the Victoria Conference Centre). If you’re in the CRD, be sure to come. There’s of course the seed exchange, a bunch of 

Spring Has Sprung

Oh, there have been lots of updates around the old site and with the seed bank lately! With spring here on Vancouver Island I’ve been getting my ducks all in a row for the upcoming season, and am very excited with how it’s shaping up 

Happy New Year

Happy new year everybody! You may have noticed a few strange things occurring here the past few days. I’ve actually been changing servers for this website, and my limited database knowledge provided me with a few hiccups, shall we say. But after much swearing and 

New Posts A-Comin’

In the next few days/weeks you’ll notice an increase of posting. I’m going to be migrating over some posts from what used to be my garden blog over at I’ve decided they just make more sense being over here, as this has become the 

Growth Notes: August 1st, 2011

I’m quite pleased with how the garden is shaping up this year. Despite the fact it was a barren wasteland of morning glory, ivy, oregon grape, and other sundry weeds and annoyances when we first moved in. The weather has been cool here, and rainy,