Calabacito Rojo
From The Populuxe Seed Bank
Grower: Kristin
Year: 2013
Seed Source: The Populuxe Seed Bank.
Plant Growth Observations
Vine Growth Type: Indeterminate
Vine Growth Habit: Intermediate
Plant size: 4ft
Leaf type: Regular
Leaf Coverage:
Maturity: Mid
Fruit Observations
Skin colour: Red
Flesh colour: Red
Fruit Shape: Oblate
Fruit Fasciation: Medium fasciation
Fruit Firmness:
Fruit Set:
Average Fruit Diameter: 1.5" - 2"
Average Fruit Length:
Average Fruit Weight:
Other Observations
- Sweet flavour
- Suffers from blossom drop at temperatures around 40C.
- Reports say that this variety is documented in Philadelphia gardens as early as 1795. Seed from current stocks date to seed collection from Chiapas, Mexico in 1991.