Polish Linguisa

From The Populuxe Seed Bank
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Polish Linguisa
Maturity Late
Growth Habit Indeterminate
Leaf Type Regular Leaf
Fruit Colour Red
Fruit Shape Elongated
Origin Poland
Tomato 'Polish Linguisa'. Aug 2014.
Tomato 'Polish Linguisa'. July 2017.

Grower: Kelly

Year: 2014

Accession: 88

Seed Source: Received from a private donor.


2014 Nice, dry tomato with firm flesh, so best for preservation. 4.5lb per plant.

Plant Growth Observations

Vine Growth Type: Indeterminate

Vine Growth Habit: Erect

Plant size: 4ft

Leaf type: Regular

Leaf Coverage: Fair

Maturity: 90 days

Fruit Observations

Skin colour: Red

Flesh colour:Red

Fruit Shape: Elongated

Fruit Fasciation: Smooth

Fruit Firmness: Firm

Fruit Set: Moderate

Average Fruit Diameter: 2"

Average Fruit Length: 4.5"

Average Fruit Weight: 180g (6oz)

Other Observations

  • Suffers a bit in higher heat
  • Crack resistant


  • Heirloom from Poland brought to New York in the early 1900's.