Rumba Ozarowska

From The Populuxe Seed Bank
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Rumba Ozarowska
Maturity Midseason
Growth Habit Determinate
Leaf Type Regular Leaf
Fruit Colour Red
Fruit Shape Globe
Origin Poland
Tomato 'Rumba Ozarowska' plant, August 2023 ©Kelly
Tomato 'Rumba Ozarowska' plant, July 2023 ©Kelly

Grower: Kelly

Year: 2023

Accession: 480

Seed Source: Original seed from Dan & Val McMurray's collection (Wynndel, BC).


2023 One of the earlier mid-sized varieties for me this year, although I suspect in a better year it'd be even earlier, possibly closer to the 75 day maturity mark. Primarily round fruit with a point at the blossom end. Good slicer, and best for fresh eating, good tomato flavour although not overly strong. As the season went on and it got hotter that did seem to slow down production, although I didn't note too much blossom drop. Either determinate or semi-determinate, a better year would display this better but for now I'll call it determinate. Would be a good candidate for container growing.

Plant Growth Observations

Vine Growth Type: Determinate

Vine Growth Habit: Erect

Plant size: Small (2-2.5 ft)

Leaf type: Regular

Leaf Coverage: Good

Maturity: Midseason (85 days - see note in 2023)

Fruit Observations

Skin colour: Red

Flesh colour: Red

Fruit Shape: Globe

Fruit Fasciation: smooth

Fruit Firmness: Firm

Fruit Set: Moderate

Average Fruit Diameter:

Average Fruit Length:

Average Fruit Weight: 60g

Affliction Observations

Other Observations


  • Open pollinated commercial variety from Poland.