Pink Zebra

From The Populuxe Seed Bank
Revision as of 12:44, 23 January 2019 by Kelly (Talk | contribs)

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Tomato 'Pink Zebra'. Sep 2014.
Tomato 'Pink Zebra'. Sep 2014.
Tomato 'Pink Zebra' on the vine. Sep 2014.
Tomato 'Pink Zebra' cut. Sep 2014.

Grower: Kelly

Year: 2011, 2014, 2018

Accession: 46

Seed Source: Original seed obtained from Seedy Saturday, Nelson, BC (2009).


2018 Low production year for this variety. A cool, damp spring pushed the growth back a bit, but I think the high temps at night contributed to really slowing down ripening. Still a great variety that's done well for me every other year I've grown it - it'll continue to be a favourite in my garden! 5lbs/plant.
2014 Very productive in the dryer, hot weather this year. Sweet and acidic full flavour, very meaty with little juice and few seeds. Great for fresh eating, as well as stewing down for preservation. Absolutely delicious, a favourite! A little late for the season here on the prairies, but ripens well off the vine, so if there's an early frost you can still harvest a ton. 12lbs per plant.
2011 Meaty, sweet fruit, excellent flavour and very productive, although production suffers in cooler, wet weather.

Plant Growth Observations

Vine Growth Type: Indetermintae

Vine Growth Habit: Erect

Plant size: Large (5+ft)

Leaf type: Regular

Leaf Coverage: Heavy

Maturity: 85 days

Fruit Observations

Skin colour: Green/Pink striped

Flesh colour: Green/pink marbled

Fruit Shape: Oblate

Fruit Fasciation: Slight fasciation (some fruit will exhibit extreme fasciation)

Fruit Firmness: Firm

Fruit Set: Excellent

Average Fruit Diameter: 4"

Average Fruit Length: 3"

Average Fruit Weight: 290g (10oz)

Other Observations

  • Only slight cracking with irregular watering.
  • Does well in dryer conditions, with higher heat.


  • Purchased by Kelly at a Seedy Saturday even in Nelson, BC
  • Possibly a natural cross that resulted out of one of the Tie Dye tomatoes from Wild Boar Farms?

Also Known As

  •  ??