Nicholaevna Pink

From The Populuxe Seed Bank
Revision as of 17:36, 14 January 2023 by Kelly (Talk | contribs)

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Grower: Kelly

Year: 2022

Accession: 575

Seed Source: Original seed from TomatoFest.


2022 Really heavy production of good sized pink fruit, averaging about 330g each. Really early production for a fruit this big, reminds me a lot of Sibiriskiy Velikan Rozovyi, but produced even earlier for me. Didn't seem to be fussed by either heat or damp conditions. This one is a keeper! Approx 7 lb/plant

Plant Growth Observations

Vine Growth Type: Indeterminate

Vine Growth Habit: Intermediate

Plant size: Large (4.5 ft)

Leaf type: Regular

Leaf Coverage: Good

Maturity: 74 days

Fruit Observations

Skin colour: Pink

Flesh colour: Pink

Fruit Shape: Oblate

Fruit Fasciation: Slight Fasciation

Fruit Firmness: Medium

Fruit Set: Excellent

Average Fruit Diameter:

Average Fruit Length:

Average Fruit Weight:

Affliction Observations

Other Observations
